‘Increase my VA benefits‘ is one of the most searched terminologies over the internet. Not anymore because VA Benefits Consultants are here. VA Benefits Consultants is organized for the sole purpose of serving disabled veterans. Specifically, VA Benefits Consultants (we usually call ourselves “VABC,” it’s easier) provides expert advice on how best to increase the disability ratings (Increase VA Benefits) for veterans suffering from ongoing symptoms. We saw a need, and we filled it. Gone are the days when you used to search ‘increase my VA Benefits’ over the internet. Now, the problem has been solved to a great extent. The internet is jammed with random information on the topic, some websites being far less reliable than others, and some being flat out wrong. Some of the websites are pretty darn accurate, but don’t do anything for you – they leave you high and dry with a lot of useless data about various topics. like increase VA Benefits.
But how many websites take a veteran by the hand, help complete and correct the proper forms, show you how, click by click, to expertly navigate the VA Benefits website without compromising your claim, find you a doctor, front the money for that private physician, create a digitally perfect DBQ to submit to the VA Benefits, and personally supervise the entire process all the way to the point where your monthly check increases? Where you can speak to real human beings, and don’t interact exclusively through a website? None of them. We’re it. Tell your friends!
Our entire organization, and our highly confidential modus operandi, is designed for one purpose, and one purpose only: to take effective steps needed to increase your Veteran’s Disability Benefits.
They’ve written the rules… and then they don’t even follow them.
We’re good at this. If we weren’t good at this, we’d be broke, rather than growing exponentially, as we are. And we hate injustice. Let’s just say we’ve been around this game board a few times, and know how to play, representing the interests of veterans going all the way back to 1990. We’ve become very knowledgeable about the modern Veteran’s Administration, how they operate internally, how they organize themselves to delay, deny, complicate, obfuscate, and frustrate YOU… the people they purport to serve. They’ve written their own rules about these procedures, requirements, medical criteria, and thresholds for each disability and percentage… and then they don’t even follow them. Their own workers are frequently directed into formulaic patterns of claim rejection and purport to direct you into procedures that aren’t even required, or designed to fail. If you think you can go up against them solo, you’re welcome to try, but our attack strategy took years to evolve, many doctors to interview, and a very expensive attorney to research.
Here are just a few whoppers
What we learned was stunning. Here are just a few whoppers: Did you know you don’t usually have to go to any of the hostile “VA Approved” doctors the VA pays to screen out your claims? Did you know there are “Veteran Friendly” doctors you can go to instead? Did you know that the form your doctor fills out (the DBQ) can require exact words to be used to describe your condition or your entire claim can be rejected? Are you familiar with which disability ratings are almost completely subjective – and therefore require almost no objective proof? Do you know what other disability ratings won’t be increased, ever, no matter what? Again, those are just a few. You don’t need to completely educate yourself about the intricacies of their system when you have VA benefits Consultants on your team.
This service is very valuable
This is how some very good people make their living, and it’s the only way we can be here for the next veteran. While your evaluation is free, the service itself isn’t. And, if this service isn’t of obvious financial value to you, your “Esc” button is [top, left] on your keyboard. Use it now. Those of you still reading naturally understand that this service is very valuable, and will likely be life-changing for you – and for your family – for the rest of your life.
Things you wouldn’t even think of.
This is a complex science. A Medical, Legal, Mathematical, and Social science. So, everyone struggles in how to increase my VA benefits, And the VA wants you to do it yourself. Good luck, mi amigo. But you’ll want the VA benefits Consultants on your team, directing your efforts strategically, helping with your forms, minding your deadlines, establishing your date of retroactivity, selecting your doctors, and telling you exactly what – and what not – to do to beat the odds. Things you wouldn’t even think of. Frequently, you’ll be directed by the VA to do something in this process… and the VA benefits Consultants will say “don’t you do it!” That can be hard advice to take, right? Other times you’ll be told by the VA to do something else, and the VA benefits Consultants will tell you, “Whatever you do, don’t miss that appointment.” Unless you’ve done this a thousand times before, how could you possibly know when to do what?
If you’ve got more than a year to live, give us a try.
What’s it cost? Nothing, unless you increase your benefits, and increase your income. Now the question is how to increase my VA benefits And when you win, and your income jumps, your cost for our services will depend entirely upon how much money we were able to get you. Sound fair? Win a lot? Pay more. Don’t win as much? Payless. Don’t win at all? Pay nothing. What we spent on doctors and staff developing your case is our loss. Fill out your contact card with the “Let’s get Started” button below, and your case manager will discuss the contingency cost with you personally, and send you a written contract. And, let’s put it this way: It’s a small fraction of what it’s worth. When you see what it costs to get how much income, you’ll see that in less than a year, your income increase alone will have paid for our entire service, and you have the rest of your life to enjoy the extra income. Our clients (that are good at math) PRAY to be charged a higher fee because it can only mean that their income increased that much more! If you’re really good at math, like our own numbers guys, and understand concepts like “present-day value of money” and can run an interest rate into a genuine cost/benefit analysis formula, it’s pretty simple: if you’ve got more than a year to live, give us a try. What’s to lose?
“Our fees range from a low end of $0, for when no increase in the total disability rating is achieved. There are small increases that are charged either $2000 or $3000, depending on the value of the increase, there are medium increases that are charged $5000, and large increases that are charged either $7500 or $8000, because they receive more attention and resistance from the VA, and increase your income so much. And all of the fees can be paid out of the additional income we get you, and you’ll have a written contract in your hands explaining your fees in plain language before you commit to anything.
Who both 1) offers you valuable services, AND 2) gets you the additional money you need to pay for them? We’re it.”
We can even start the clock for your retroactive pay increase!
Fill out and click below
If you haven’t yet filled out the “Free Fast Evaluation Card” under the first tab, now would be the time to go backward to that page and do it. We can’t provide you what you need for this next step until you’ve completed the first step.
For those of you have filled out and sent off the Free Fast Evaluation Card, you’ll be hearing from your Case Manager in the very near future. He or she will answer all your questions, as our case workers are all highly trained experts in increasing disability benefits. Your Case Manager will provide you with a number of forms that will need to be completed and signed, all of which equip us to advise you on how best to deal with the VA, and what your best approach would be. This “Step Two” is the big step, as it will include meeting with the physician we select for your needs, and creating a digitally perfect DBQ for the VA’s consideration.
Once you sign on as a client, you’ll be issued a user name and unique account number, giving you access to communicate directly with our staff, access to all our various tips and cheat sheets, and download and upload and information as may be needed directly through this website through the “Log in” heading on the HOME forms page.
Now that you have increased income for the rest of your life, pay your agreed fee, and spread the word to your brother or sister disabled veteran. Write us up a 5 star review for developing our rock solid system, and start thinking about what you’re going to do with your much-improved lifestyle!